The death of a moon cowboy

I am a somewhat-youth with ideas and thoughts and too many dreams that sometimes overflow as these little dribblings from my fingertips. I guess you can try to collect and capture them.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Class in Salt Lake

Class in Salt Lake is a bit of a joke. My teacher is always at least ten minutes late. The class consists of five students, two of whom are the teacher's friends (read: older women), auditing the course. Last night only three of us even showed. I guess it makes for a personal touch, and it seems that the grading isn't going to be terribly harsh, but it's still just weird. It's intro to folklore by the way. So there's this definite feminine-touch thing going that I don't fully have. I don't mind it all--let me be as feminine as you like--but, for example, last night we discussed quilts as part of an occupational folklore discussion. So there's all this talk of tying, batting, stretching, quilt tops, polyester vs. cotton, length, thickness, and anyway, I was the only one unfamiliar with most of the terms. "What's a quilt top?" I would ask. "What's batting?"

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