The death of a moon cowboy

I am a somewhat-youth with ideas and thoughts and too many dreams that sometimes overflow as these little dribblings from my fingertips. I guess you can try to collect and capture them.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wolf moon

We drifted silently over the hills,
following the dead glare of our headlights.
Sirius and Rigel rotated slowly and swiftly
and the sapphire heavens blazed, lit and soaked
in midnight blue by the full wolf moon.

Sometimes an eastbound car passed us; but no one else
headed west, not in this clear January emptiness,
not through these tired towns and blackened cafes,
abandoned trucks parked on abandoned roads.

Thin layers of icecaked snow coated the distance
over the little summit passes, made it all radiate moonlight
upward, reflective like the quiet rearview mirror.

A long sailing string of light burnt downward, headed west
like us, a fuse firing toward an unknown end.
This common meteor, caused by some unremarkable fragment
of rock, briefly outshined our moon
and illuminated the endless road ahead of us.

--- ---

For Christmas I got a typewriter from Joey and Emily. Joey suggested keeping it in my car so I could be a traveling writer, Jack Kerouac, whenever I wanted to. I took his suggestion. Then on this beautiful January-thaw day I got in my car, rolled the windows down, lugged the old machine like a bulky steel laptop into the front seat with me and began jabbing away at the keys. Just to get anything down, anything at all, because lately I've been less motivated or too busy or whatever and nothing much creative has poured forth from my fingers. So this here's my Wolf moon poem I hammered out, based on our spectacular winter midnight drive across Utah and Idaho and Oregon to Bend for one all-too-brief weekend. The original is cut and pasted in my journal. I retyped it to post here.


Jedediah Stout said...

Lets say you lock your keys in the car with the typewriter and all you have is your computer with the internet, you could try Little online writing workout program to keep the writer in you fit.

Joseph Beatty said...

im so glad that this can be the results of my suggestion. and that you've taken it on.

Reluctant Conquistador said...

So, do you stash it under your chair? Or put it in the back window like a decoration Latino style? Or does it have its own seat?

mattbeatty said...

Right now she gets her own seat, the back one. It's pretty nice arrangement until I have to drive people around.

Susan said...

I remember January's Wolf Moon, Emily told me about it and it was supposed to be the closest moon to the earth this year. I can imagine your little family all safely tucked up warm and snug in your car as you travel the horizon through the silent night. This poem paints a word picture perfectly! I'm so glad you're writing again. Don't stop honey, you are too good!!