The death of a moon cowboy

I am a somewhat-youth with ideas and thoughts and too many dreams that sometimes overflow as these little dribblings from my fingertips. I guess you can try to collect and capture them.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


The moon is a big white wheel of satellite firefly bulb that dances circles overhead. She listens to no one; her hair waves wildly with the passing of each new cycle. She is the woman of the night, her eyes and ears form a second reality unknown to humankind. Man sleeps, the world wakes. Her lack of concern belittles the bevies of worry making waves in my mind. That maternal smile and soothing mouth could lull the most savage of beast to a coma.

But I must be strong. There are miles of alleyways and faultlines burrowed deep inside my skull. Once within, the most minute of thoughts could penetrate my daily routine, yanking the wanderer in me to roam aimlessly. A single glance could adjust my pathway for millenia to come. I must be careful.

I tenderly tiptoe amidst the entangled mounds of dirt and roots and the toplayer of soot. It's been raining charcoal for months. The calendars have become meaningless and are no longer ruled by precision, but by decision. My gaze rests thoughtlessly on my bare feet, those self-same feet that decades ago were cloaked with contraptions of suede and rubber and felt. What misery some contrivances will create!

I've escaped the categorical upheaval of the system by relying on the distance of the planets. They alone cast a genuine smirk of disapproval, unlike the fancifully fake inventions of men that reshaped the moon. Gravitationally bound, emoticancically intended. My misshapen mind is still under my own control. I've outsmarted the enforcemen due to my ability to reason, to think using biology and not technology. There were limitations, and I touted them for years, but no one listened! The appeal of convenience and experience won over the hearts and heads of the majority. Many of us fled, undiscovered, and planned to use logic to find a way to the home we once knew. Then the controlled blizzards came, to dislocate us and route our pathways. We sensed the outcome yet willingly walked to our doom. Somehow I was spared. Those memories haunt me only in dreams, during the trigger of supposed daytime. I cannot recall them right now. They lie within the faultlines.


Reluctant Conquistador said...

this is my favorite one yet... is it a tid-bit from the forth comming mad max movie? i liked it, i don't know why, but i liked it.

Anonymous said...
