The death of a moon cowboy

I am a somewhat-youth with ideas and thoughts and too many dreams that sometimes overflow as these little dribblings from my fingertips. I guess you can try to collect and capture them.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The valley clean

I know this spring snow,
wet and thick and clinging
like armor on everything it coats.
The slick roads surprise us--
we've forgotten how to drive in snow.
The moon's a pale, waning smirk,
almost lost among
the floating turmoil in the sky.
The mountains are white as bone,
a landscape of hips and teeth and knuckles.
Low clouds form another range,
the same dead-white color,
spun off where mountain meets valley
like estranged cousins.
A fortress of winter encircles us,
an icy crown tightens over our heads.

By late morning the sky blossoms,
the sun emerges from its cloak
and sweeps
the valley clean.


Amy Beatty said...

So true, you wrote it perfectly my love. I love that it all melted in one day. Now even the grass looks greener. It's Spring!

heather said...

i love the way you describe the mountains as bones, such a clear and strange and mystical image. this is beautiful and kinda makes me wish i could experience this kind of late snow, i guess once in a while we get it here, but nothing like that. anyway gorgeous poem, love it.