The death of a moon cowboy

I am a somewhat-youth with ideas and thoughts and too many dreams that sometimes overflow as these little dribblings from my fingertips. I guess you can try to collect and capture them.

Monday, October 03, 2005

It comes around

I am birth.
I am that which blesses hips and lives,
sending souls into the arms of mothers,
with hematite eyes and newborn cries.

I am the light.
I give color to the fruit,
turning skin and hair and smile,
forming memories in electromagnetics.

I am the soil.
I harbor nutrition and water,
yielding it up to the reaching roots
that explore the depths of my kingdom.

I am a clock.
I change everything, yet I control no one.
Without beginning or end, indifferent,
I wither the eldest of trees.

I am a pathogen.
I am not evil, my intentions are to thrive,
replenishing myself and my children
as a fortress grown strong and impenetrable.

I am medicine.
I am homeopathic and pure,
rushing along in the endocrine
to mingle with blood and adrenaline.

I am the surgeon.
I perform modern miracles on the willing,
grafting body and bone alike,
breathing a delicate balance of life.

I am a river
I stretch my arms wide and run deep,
the visage of eternity, evolving,
facilitating the cycle of water.

I am death.
I am hated by all, but my heart weeps while I walk,
for I did not choose this profession;
I am not without emotion.
I am doomed and I wander alone.
When my job is done, who will come for me?

[Originally posted on The Reluctant Conquistador.]

1 comment:

moonshinejunkyard said...

Wow, what a cool poem! I love how it goes from birth to light, soil, clock, pathogen, surgeon, etc. until death. kinda tracing the process of life but also putting the river right before death, great move. the lyrics flow like a river as well, and you include medicine and surgery gracefully. talk about cross-cultural contact, sorry, i'm in school mode, but i'm thinking natural phenomena like light and growth in the soil have to fit together in our modern world with cold steel surgical equipment that flies in the face of death. and clever clever ending! the death of death. who woulda thunk it? i really like it. really really really